

    • KVS believes in imparting knowledge/values and nurturing the talent, enthusiasm and creativity of its students for seeking excellence through high-quality educational endeavours;


    • To cater to the educational needs of children of transferable Central Government employees including Defence and Para-military personnel by providing a common programme of education;
    • To pursue excellence and set the pace in the field of school education;
    • To initiate and promote experimentation and innovations in education in collaboration with other bodies like the Central Board of Secondary Education…
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    The Vidyalaya "PM SHRI KENDRIYA VIDYALAYA NO 2 CPE ITARSI" was established in year 1985 and is located in the beautiful area and surrounded by good ambiance of CPE Itarsi, with lush greenery, about 05 kms from Railway station Itarsi. Itarsi is a popular Railway Junction.

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    To cater to the educational needs of the children of transferable Central Government employees including Defence and Para-Military personnel by providing a common programme of education; To pursue excellence and set the pace in the field of school education To initiate and promote experimentation and innovativeness in education...

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    The School started with the dream of providing a platform for children with strong pillars of values, discipline, inspiration and skills. We aim to nurture the intellect of a child and inculcate a passion for learning through highly qualified and motivated staff. Education – being a tri-polar process – we work in coordination with the parents and students.

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    Commissioner, Nidhi Pandey, IIS
    Dear Students, Teachers, and Parents,
    On the momentous occasion of Foundation Day 2024 of Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan (KVS), I extend my heartfelt greetings to each one of you. From its humble beginnings in 1963, KVS has grown into an inspiring institution of excellence in school education. This remarkable journey continues to evolve, driven by an unwavering spirit of innovation and progress.

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    R Senthil Kumar

    R Senthil Kumar

    Deputy Commissioner KVS RO Bhopal

    It’s a matter of great pride and privilege to join as DC Bhopal. Education system in the current situation is undergoing rapid changes in terms of focus areas, options, Indianization, vacational needs and technology. As school leaders, we need to constantly reinvent ourselves to the changing requirements and aspirations of the society. NCF is talking about sweeping changes in Examinations, childhood pedagogy, language skills and vacational skills. There’s a need for us to read deeper into NCF and bring about modifications in KVs wherever required. But as school leaders we need to ensure such changes in a smooth manner. For that we need to take efforts to explain the actual policies and need to our stakeholders such as parents, students and teachers. Getting stakeholders to develop growth mindset from their fixed mindset may be daunting for all of you. But that is the need of the hour. We need to be very clear on what is essential and non essential in our school activities and try and increase the essential activities more. We will build on our strength and bring a bit changes in a few areas that are needed with your enthusiasm and involvement. All students of KVS Bhopal region are dear to us. We need to facilitate their proper learning and ensure their academic achievement and well being within the time frame of their schools days. As said by confucius, “ We have two lives . The second begins when you realize you only have one.“ Looking forward to working with you to serve KVS Bhopal Region well. Warm regards. R Senthil Kumar Deputy Commissioner KVS Bhopal Region

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    Aravind Kumar Rai

    Aravind Kumar Rai

    Principal PM SHRI KV 2 CPE ITARSI

    Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan has a sole vision and mission for the all round development of students by providing quality education following all the policies. PM Shri Kendriya Vidyalaya No. 2 CPE Itarsi is committed to provide the same, and is also committed to provide facilities like CCA, Sports, Laboratory Activities, Reading Hub etc. ICT faculties and e-class rooms are also provided to the students for innovation and better understanding. The Vidyalaya is providing the benefit of BPL students, RTE students and SC/ST/OBC and minority category and other facilities for CMP. With various facilities and resources and with dedicated teaching staff and local support, PM Shri Kendriya Vidyalaya No. 2 CPE Itarsi is committed to inculcate values ​​of democratic practices and sensitivity towards gender justice.

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    What’s New

    Social Wall

    Explore Things

    Academic Planner

    Academic Planner

    For Academic activities of PM Shri Kendriya Vidyalaya No 2 CPE Itarsi. Annual ...

    Academic Result

    Academic Result

    The examination result of PM Shri KV No. 2 CPE Itarsi for class X and XII year 2023-24 was 100%.

    Bal Vatika

    Bal Vatika

    Bal Vatika 3 is being operated continuously in the school from the session 2023-24.

    Nipun Lakshay

    Nipun Lakshay

    NIPUN (National Initiative for Proficiency in Reading with Understanding and Numeracy).

    Compensation of Academic Loss Programme (CALP)

    Compensation of Academic Loss Programme (CALP)

    This program is being run for student welfare.

    Study Materials

    Study Materials

    Study material is available on the KVS e-support portal of Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan...

    Workshops & Trainings

    Workshops & Trainings

    Workshops are organized for teachers and Counseling sessions/workshops are...

    Student Council

    Student Council

    It is formed every academic session to inculcate the leadership qualities and to give them a feel of leadership

    Know Your School

    Know your School

    KV NO 2 CPE Itarsi is located in the beautiful area of CPE and committed to the all-round..

    Atal Tinkering Lab

    Atal Tinkering Lab

    Atal Tinkering Lab has not yet been established in this school.

    Digital Language Lab

    Digital Language Lab

    Digital Language Lab is not yet established in this school.


    ICT – eClassrooms & Labs

    Under the ICT infrastructure in the school, two computer laboratories..



    The library of PM Shri KV No. 2 CPE Itarsi is the heritage of the school....


    Labs - Physics/Chemistry/Biology

    Physics, chemistry, and biology..

    Building and BaLA Initiatives

    Building & BaLA Initiatives

    Project BaLA(Building as Learning Aid) is an innovative concept..

    Sports Infrastructure

    Sports Infrastructure (Play Fields)

    The school grounds consist of 2..



    School safety has been defined as the creation of safe environments...



    The school grounds consist of 2 Basketball Courts (Cement), 1 Mini Football (Hockey) Ground, 1 Badminton..


    NCC/Scout & Guides

    NCC/ Scouts and Guides is an integral part of Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan and followed very religiously ...

    Education Excursion

    Education Excursion

    The school students were taken on exposure trips to Regional Science Center Bhopal, Human Tribe Museum...



    Mathematics Olympiad, International English Olympiad, Science Olympiad, National Cyber ​​Olympiad, Aryabhatta..


    Exhibition – NCSC/Science/Etc

    “Exhibitions” : With a view to encourage, popularise and inculcate scientific temper among children, KVS...

    Ek Bharat Shrestha Bharat

    Ek Bharat Shrestha Bharat

    Ek Bharat Shrestha Bharat is an activity undertaken by Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan, every year to promotes..

    Art and Craft

    Art & Craft

    Art and Craft describes a wide variety of activities involving making things with one’s own hands. Art and Craft is usually..

    Fun Day

    Fun Day

    Saturday is a day packed with fun and recreational activities and organized as Funday for students of primary section..

    youth parliament

    Youth Parliament

    “Youth Parliament” provides a platform for young individuals to engage in parliamentary-style debates, discussions..

    PM SHRI Schools

    PM SHRI Schools

    PM Shri Kendriya Vidyalaya No. 2 CPE Itarsi has undergone many new changes like Green Initiatives, Excursion..

    Skill Education

    Skill Education

    KVS provides a platform for pre-vocational education under which activities are undertaken to prepare pupils for future vocational..

    Guidance and Counselling

    Guidance & Counselling

    The Career Guidance & Counselling Programme aimed at enlightening Class XI & Class XII students with the possibilities of pursuing careers..

    Community Participation

    Community Participation

    Community participation is a key element of community development, which aims to improve the social, economic and...



    Vidyanjali is an initiative taken by the Ministry of Education, Government of India with the aim to...



    The school has no publications this year. Two newsletters are issued every year by the primary department of the school.

    News Letter

    News Letter

    Two newsletters, newsletter volume 1 or newsletter volume 2, are issued every year by the primary department of the school.

    Vidyalaya Patrika

    Vidyalaya Patrika

    No Vidyalaya Patrika has been published in the school this year. Two newspapers are issued every year by the primary department...

    Glorious Moments

    See What's Happening

    News & Stories about Students, and innovation across the School

    05/09/2023, Pankaj Dubey (PGT Chemistry) “Gyanpunj Samman”

    In the National Teacher Honor Ceremony organized by Vipin Joshi Memorial Committee, Itarsi on 5 September 2023. Pankaj Dubey (Post Graduate Teacher, Chemistry)

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    Organization of two-day art workshop
    02/02/2024 Mesh Murals and Mask Making

    A two-day "Mesh Murals and Mask Making Workshop" was organized at PM Shri Kendriya Vidyalaya No. 2 CPE Itarsi from 2 February 2024.

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    27/03/2024 PUSTAKOPAHAAR

    Like every year in PM Shri Kendriya Vidyalaya No. 2 CPE Itarsi, this year also the book gift festival was organized with great pomp in the school library. This festival is celebrated every year at the beginning of the new session in the school....

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    • hemlata soni
      Hemlata Soni PGT Computer Science

      Ex PGT computer teacher Hemlata Soni of this school was awarded the KVS Regional Incentive Award by Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan in the year 2019 for her excellent work.

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      MAHIMA CHOUDHARY Student, Class XII 2023-24

      Mahima Chaudhary is a student of class XII session 2023-24 of this school, who passed class 12th with 94 percent and got second position in the commerce faculty of the school and also scored 100 marks out of 100 in the subject of Business Studies.

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    New changes in school under PM Shri Scheme


    PM Shri Kendriya Vidyalaya No. 2 CPE Itarsi has undergone many new changes like Green Initiatives, Excursion, Educational Tour etc. under PM Shri Scheme. Click read more for more information.


    Vidyalaya Toppers

    CBSE Board Examination Class X and Class XII


    • student name

      Scored 94.2%

    • student name

      Scored 92.2%


    • student name

      Scored 95%

    • student name

      Scored 94.2%

    • student name

      Scored 85%

    • student name

      Scored 90.8%

    • student name

      Scored 94%

    • student name

      Scored 81.6%

    Vidyalaya Results

    Year of 2023-24

    Appeared 68 Passed 68

    Year of 2022-23

    Appeared 85 Passed 85

    Year of 2021-22

    Appeared 107 Passed 107

    Year of 2020-21

    Appeared 142 Passed 142